Dr F Ian Curtis MBBS, (Hons) QLD, FRANZCP, FAChAM (RACP retired). Medical Practitioner (registered in Queensland as a Consultant Psychiatrist). Graduate of the University of Queensland (MB,BS. Hons 2). Consultant Psychiatrist and Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Registered as an Independent Expert Medical-Psychiatric Forensic Witness. Multi-Modal experiences of Professional Practice as a Medical Consultant, Clinical Psychiatrist, Physician and Medical Administrator have been cumulative since 1973. Has been selected at times by Courts to be a consensus “single expert” to provide a Court Report. Dr Curtis’ forensic reports have been accepted in all applicable levels of the Queensland Court system, as well as in Senior Courts in New South Wales and Victoria. The doctor was selected by Commissioner Fitzgerald and by his assistant, Mr Gary Crook, as a Consultant to the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption from approximately 1988 until approximately 1990 (assisting with disturbed witnesses and mentally ill accused people but not as part of the interrogation process). This was psychiatric crisis evaluation and management. Subsequently, Dr Curtis advised and consulted in establishing professional psychological aspects of Witness Protection in Queensland. Dr Curtis was selected by the Queensland Police Department to assist in promoting good outcomes from the Commission of Inquiry into Deaths in Custody. He also acted as assistant scriptwriter and Psychiatric Consultant in the production of the Custody Awareness video resource for the Queensland Police Service. Dr Curtis worked as a Training Lecturer for Police in Southeast Queensland (1991-1992) regarding custodial care and deaths in custody. At the end of the consultancy with the Police Department, He was invited to provide the inaugural keynote address at the 1st Australasian Witness Protection Conference, with the title of The Psychology of VIP Protection. At that time Dr Curtis contributed to the Medical Section of the Police Custody Awareness Manual and wrote the academic module for the Police Academy “Custody Competency Program CP 009″. (April 1993) As psychiatric consultant to the Queensland Health Department Dr Curtis assisted with the script, development and production of the Video Resource Assaultive Incidents. Dr Curtis has expertise in the clinical aspects of workplace violence dealing with in-house violence and external threat of interpersonal violence and systems for the prevention and the amelioration of violent incidents. The doctor has chaired scientific sessions and delivered scientific papers in Calcutta India and Beijing China. He was commissioned a few years ago to conduct a lecture tour in the east of the United States of America lecturing psychiatrists in Virginia, USA, in particular on the accommodation needs of longstay patients in the new era. In the period of 1983 to 2003 he provided a regular lecture series training Queensland Health staff, including lectures on hazardous and dangerous patients of Health Services. This was part of a consultancy as Senior Clinical Lecturer for Professor John Saunders (in the professor’s role as Chair of the WHO co-located Addiction Studies Program). Dr Curtis continues to lecture for the University of Queensland to conduct training seminars for senior Queensland psychiatrists in training. In 2009, the doctor lectured at the Gold Coast International Mental Health Conference. In 2010, Doctor Curtis is a keynote speaker at the Queensland Law Society International Criminal Law Conference to be held on the Sunshine Coast.